in this article, I’ll show you four of my free traffic strategies and you can use them today to get free targeted buying traffic to your website or blog using some of these free traffic methods I’m getting thousands of visitors to one of my niche websites andI’ve recently repeated this on a brand new website that is growing fast this traffic is 100% free and it converts into sales and opt-ins just like what you can see here so keep watching if you want to find out how to get free targeted traffic to your website or blog.
Here are the resources and the description of the strategies:
Strategy 1: Quora
Quora is a goldmine for free targeted traffic in any niche here is some proof that Quora traffic works for everyone in a variety of different niches in a recent interview I did with Sweta from
She shared with me some of her traffic stats and she showed me the breakdown of her social media traffic including Quora traffic as you can see performs the best it has the lowest bounce rate as well as the highest amount of time spent on the page this means that Quora traffic has got the potential to give you more sales and more commissions from the same amount of traffic.
So what is Quora and how exactly can you get traffic from it to your website or blog it’s a community-based question-and-answer platform where people can post questions about any topic and others answer those questions Google then picks up those community generated pages of questions and answers and includes them in their search results.
Google loves Quora and here is exactly why according to ahrefs data Quora is in the top seven hundred websites in the whole world and has huge Authority and as you can see Quora ranks 476 million various keyword phrases that’s really good news because it means that you can a slice of their traffic as well to do that you need to get your answer with a link to your website or blog into one of those community generated question-and-answer pages.
So here is a full step-by-step process for exactly how you can get free traffic from Quora to your blogger website the first thing that you’ll need to do is head over to and register your account after you register your account you should go into your profile and fill it out the best way that you possibly can making sure to fill out every single thing in your profile so you need to fill out your description you need to also fill out your credentials and highlights this is very important to make sure that your answers look credible and the other most important thing that you need to fill out is knows about so you will see it some where here in your right-hand sidebar and this will then determine what kind of topics will pop up in your feed so that you can answer and get traffic to your website
As you can see here I’ve got a bunch of things that I’ve entered as the topics that I personally know about I’ve entered topics such as search engine optimization blogging YouTube SEO web marketing affiliate marketing for your niche it could be different it could be for example weight loss weight training as you start typing those things in you will see the suggested topics coming up and you will only need to do really is just click this and you will follow that topic okay I’m just going to delete it back now after you’ve entered all of the topics I recommend having at least ten but enter everything that you can possibly think of that is related to your niche after you do all of that you need to click done and then when you come back into your main screen you will see here at the top there is an option saying answer and once you click the answer button you will see a feed with all of the questions that relate to those categories that you’ve just volunteered to answer questions for so you can scroll the feed and find the questions that are suitable for you the questions that you don’t want to answer you can just pass on for example here it says what are some challenges facing the SEO industries I can simply click pass on that and then I will scroll down until find something that I do want to answer to you we’ll see here it says why the different SEO tools show different numbers of backlinks okay so I could now go into this question read the question check out the answers that have already been given and then give my own answer so to give an answer I need to do is start typing the answer here and according to Quora rules at the moment you are allowed to link back to your website provided that Aransas high quality and the link that you provide actually adds value to the answer so to give you an example here if I had a post on my site that talks about SEO tools and why they show different numbers of backlinks I could give a nice long answer that properly answers the question that’s been asked and I can provide a link to my website at the bottom of the sensor for example saying something like if you would like to know more you can read about it here in my blog post so here is another example you can see here there is a question what is your review of us this year which is a wordpress plugin and here is an answer that has been uploaded several times we can see well it’s had one upload and there are links within this answer -there is blog posts so you can do exactly that to get traffic from Quora onto your website by providing the link inside the answer to maximize your results on Quora make sure that your answers are actually helpful if your answers get upwards then Quora will promote your answer on their platform as well as to their email list that will mean that your answer will get a lot of views from people opening their emails as well as from notifications inside the Quora platform so this was strategy number one
Strategy 2: Viral traffic via Sharing plugin
Installing a social sharing plugin for a really long time I’m not entirely sure why I just did not think that it would actually give me any benefit but it turns out that they work really well and bringing huge spikes of traffic just like what you can see here here is exactly how you can get a lot of free traffic using social sharing plugins the plug-in that I use on my website is called social warfare there is a free plan that’s more than enough for most websites if you need some extra features down the road there is a professional version of it available as well you simply need to download the plug-in and install it on your website with the free plan you’ll able to get this beautiful sharing buttons on your website with a pro plan you will be able to access some additional features such as additional designs for the buttons and only displaying social counts once the shares has reached a certain minimum threshold if you want to check out social warfare for yourself then click the link in the description below now let’s talk about strategy number three.
Strategy 3: Answer The Public
3. answer the public answer the public is a website that will help you get free very targeted long tail search engine traffic you simply cannot get these keywords using any other keyword research tool so keep reading to find out exactly how you can use answer the public to start using enter the public simply type in three words answer the public into Google and click the first result that comes up here we are on the answer the public website and answer the public in a nutshell is a platform that allows you to collect real questions that people type into Google and convert them into long tail keywords that you can use to get free traffic to your websites or blogs so let me give you an example of how this works by the way I love this guy he’s really funny he gets very frustrated if you don’t actually type stuff in people were in a weight loss niche I will type in how to lose weight in to enter the public and click get questions now it’s going to take a moment or a few moments to collect the keywords for you so as you can see now I’ve got several hundred various long tail keywords which are represented in both the graphical form here at the top as well as the least form at the bottom and these are really unique because you will not be able to get these same questions or these same keywords anywhere else using any other tool you can only get them using answer the public and they are once again real keywords that people type into Google for example will probiotics help to lose weight will fasting help to lose weight when to lose weight after giving birth and so on so they are very hyper targeted questions with problems that people need solutions for alright now let me give you an example of how you can get traffic with this let’s just type one of them into Google and see how much exact competition we have so I’m going to take this one how to loseweight with Zumba Fitness copy it and then paste it into Google enclosed inquotation marks so that we can figure out exactly how much that exactcompetition the reason Google for this keyword so we can see that there areonly 19 results this is amazing because for most of these things when you typethem into Google you get 50 or a hundred thousand websites that are competing forthat direct phrase ok here there are only 19 and this is an actual keywordthat people type in on a regular basis into Google what that means if you create some high quality content that’s focused on this keyword how to loseweight with Zumba Fitness you are very likely to end up on page one of Google even if your website has super minimal Authority simply because there is solittle competition out there for this keyword I’m hoping you’re seeing thepower of this now let’s take it to the next level how do you actually get massive targeted traffic using into the public comm well you already know thatthere are hundreds of suggestions here that you can get for your initial thestrategy is to pick out 10 or 20 of these questions check them out in Google like this using the quotation marks and verify that there is little competition so anything under 3000 is great once you’ve got 10 or 20 of these keywords then create one article which covers each of these questions in 100 to200 words so you would take how to lose weight with Zumba fitness and make thatone of the headings h1 on your article and then answer that question with 100 to 200 words and then repeat the process so basically create an article that answers approximately 10 to 20 of these questions in one article you will have this way you will have an article that’s 1,000 to 2,000 words in length which is excellent length for google and once you publish that your radical is very likely to start pulling in this long tail keyword search traffic from Google which will be very very targeted and with very easy to get and once again you can only do this using enter the public forum you can’t get this kind of information using any other of the keyword research tools so I’m hoping you’re seeing the potential of this into the public is an amazing tool and you can get a lot of free traffic to your website or blog using it alright so this was the whole process for how you can use answer the public to get traffic now let’s move on to strategy number.
Strategy 4: Email Hacks
four which is building your email list not building your email list is one of the biggest mistakes that you can make for the first eight years of my internet marketing business career I was not building an email list and I really regret it now you can drive all the traffic you want to your website but if you’re not capturing it into an email list you’re not actually growing your customer base and your audience you have now learned three various techniques just from this video for how you can get the traffic onto your website or blog that’s Quora social sharing and enter the public but once you implement these techniques or any other techniques 95%of the people who come to your website will leave without buying anything and they will never come back to your website that’s why you really need to start building a list of those email subscribers once you’ve got an email list then getting the traffic to your website is as sending an email to your subscribers most of the beginner websites that I see are not collecting email subscribers at all and that’s a huge mistake so here are a few tips and strategies that you can implement today to start building your email subscriber list using these techniques personally I’ve been adding between 30 and 40 email subscribers every single day just from my campaign at a blogger website and I’m going to show you how to do the same in just a second the first place where you should be inserting an opt-in form is your home page as you can see on my allindiaevent website I have two opt-in forms on my home page one at the top and on eat the bottom now the reason why it’s so important to have opt-in pages on your home page is that a large proportion of the people who come to any page on your site will end up checking out your home page just to see what your site is all about so you do get a lot of referral traffic onto your home page in virtually any niche with virtually any website that I have personally seen the the opt-in form that’s laid out this way on the home page converts really well as you can see from my thrive leads dashboard here are the stats on the conversions from that home page so the top home page opt-in form converts a 3.55% and the bottom part of it converts a 3.3 7% if we add those up together because they are the same page view in total approximately 7% of everyone who visits my home page ends up joining my email list that’s a really great statistic when you compare it to a lot of the other types of opt-in sidebar andso forth if you’re not currently using an opt-in form on your home page then Irecommend that you definitely do it this kind of front page opt-in format worksin any niche my blog is in the blogging and traffic niche but the same formatworks absolutely the same in weight loss niche in health niche relationshipsniche any niche that you can possibly think of the second type of opt-in formthat I see a lot of people not using and that actually works really really wellis the dedicated squeeze page similar to what you can see on the screen here sohere I’m offering a free traffic course to anyone who wants to sign up to it andthe way that I drive traffic to it is fromvariety of different sources so basically I linked to this page fromnearly all of my blog posts at least a couple of times and that drives a lot oftraffic from all of these blog posts and from the various other traffic sourcesonto this squeeze page I will show you an example here is an example of a blogpost you can see that at the bottom here I am linking to this free course thewedding that I’m using is sign up for my free Pinterest traffic course here and alot of people that click on here will land onto the squeeze page where they’reable to sign up to the free traffic course I’m here inside the thrive leads dashboard and as you can see my conversions currently see that fifty onepoint three seven percent and using this squeeze page I’ve added one thousandseven hundred and forty-one leads so far since I last reset stats the third typeof opt-in form that you can use is sidebar opt-in but with a twist let meshow you what I mean so you most likely have seen or possiblyare yourself using a sidebar opt-in which is similar to this what I’moffering here on the right-hand side free traffic course 1000 visitors theproblem with most of these sidebar opt-ins is that once a user Scrolls pastthem it’s gone out of their sight never to come back again so this is not verygood for your list building so the little hack that I recommend youimplement if you’re not using it yet is to make that opt-in sticky so as you cansee I’ve got my opt-in form here again in the sidebar but as the user continuescrolling down the blog post this second form actually ends up being sticky thatmeans that if they continue scrolling down the post that sidebar will alwaysbe in their face at least on the desktop to do this I use a plug-in called q2 w3fixed widget which is a free plugin which you can download from website once you installed and activated the q2 w3 fixed widget itwill add this little option here to your sidebar widgets called fixed widget allyou then need to do is take this text widget check box for the widget that youwould like to be fixed and it will then stick in the sidebar and not actuallydrop the screen as the user is scrolling downthe screen once you implement this and the sidebar becomes sticky you’re verylikely to get more opt-ins to your email list than if you were not using thisfixed sidebar widget so how does it convert I’m here inside my thrive leadsdashboard once again and as you can see my Pinterest traffic course which is mysidebar widget converts at one point 92% which is quite good compared to thetimes when I was not using this fixed sidebar widget I was getting less than1% conversions so this has effectively enabled me to double my opt-in rate justby using this q2 w3 fixed widget opt-in using all of these tips you should nowbe well on your way to building your own email subscriber list in case you’recurious what plug-in I’m using on my website to build my subscriber list aswell as to run all of the analytics for lead collection it’s called thrive leadsI love that plug-in I use it myself on all of my websites.