Its guest posting is worth your time and will increase your website’s rankings and how much traffic is it going to generate well in this Article you can discover exactly why in my humble opinion guest blogging actually sucks so you’ll discover the reasons why plus at what point maybe you should consider doing it

So guest blogging is going on blast today and we’ll just jump straight into it the biggest reasons why I hate guest blogging is it’s a factor your Sweta content from a people okay why are you doing that if you were gonna write content right?

Write content right

If your own website because that’s an investment in the future success in your website but if you and write content for people you know they’re just gonna take that content rank it and then start gaining traffic with it and ask your valuable time then you’ve wasted writing content for someone else so that they can profit for it now you may say okay.

But I’m getting something in return for this guest blog maybe you gain the link back or some press coverage or maybe some referrals but the truth is that there are smarter ways to do this okay.

So for example you know if you want to get press coverage You can use Hera and you only have to write a few sentences to get press coverage from potentially a much more authoritative website or you know if you want to link back just write the content on your website and then build links back to it okay you do not need to spend hours writing content for someone else to get links to your site and that’s the thing that really bugs me about guest blogging is the fact that you put.

Guest blogging fact

So much time and effort into a piece of content it’s not even going on your own site it’s going on someone else’s and they’re gonna reap the benefit of it now is he ever from right you spend all that time carefully crafting a piece of content to the posts on someone else’s website and then there’s no actual guarantee that they’re gonna post your blog in fact so they might look at it and my edit certain parts they might remove some of the best parts of it and you have no control over the editorial process because you know you’re posting content on someone else’s website.

So, therefore, it doesn’t belong to you and you don’t have editorial rights and that’s the problem because not only are you putting your name on this piece of content but they have the right to make any changes under your name which means that if you post a blog and they change it to make it not very good then it’s still gonna be posting under your name is still gonna represent your brand and it’s still gonna make you look bad even though you wrote it perfectly the first time around and they edited it.

Guest blog

So it looks really bad so that’s something you have to be very careful about okay now not only that but it can take absolutely ages for your content to be posted as a guest blog okay so it could be weeks but most likely it could be months especially if it’s an authoritative website that has a lot of editorial content to be posted and therefore.

It’s got a long waiting list for your content and other people’s content to be posted to their site and then when you ask them when’s it gonna be folks if they might just say how long’s a piece of string okay there’s no set date of when your content can be posted in fact I’ve had some webmasters who promised supposed to guess about one week they’ll impose through the week after that or the week after that and a  few months down the line they still haven’t posted it and I’ve just been sort of sitting around waiting for this to be live and the biggest problem is that.

If you’re doing this for clients or if you’re doing this for other people you know that relying on you and they’re putting pressure on you to post the content even though solely out of your control and you’re just waiting for the webmaster to finally be ready to get it live.

So if you value your precious time and you know you’re not going to get it back why invest in guest blogging when you have no guarantee that the content I posted and you have no guarantee of the day it will be posted over now.

If you’re doing guest blogging for length on it and you know the benefits the link building has for your website then here’s another big problem that you’re gonna stumble into when it comes to link building and that’s the fact that quite often the webmaster will remove your link all and make it no follow okay and what that means basically is that either.

You get no link back to your site for all the hours you spent creating this content but also the fact that you may not get any sort of authority or link juice from the link that you get from that blog okay so if they put a Nofollow code on that link it’s pretty much useless okay there might be a tiny little bit of link juice you get from it but actually, in reality, it’s not going to do much for your website and it’s not really gonna benefit your rankings so that’s a big problem as well it’s the fact that you know webmasters can remove your link at any time there’s no guarantee they’re going to add a link.

If they do add a link it’s probably not going to be to your money page and if they’re linking to you then chances aren’t they’re probably linking to casino pages as well and that’s the harsh reality of guest blogging okay there’s no guarantee you’ll get a link.

If you do get a link chance are it’s gonna be do-follow and man is savage because you’ve been waiting so long for that piece of content to be posted and when it does finally arrive it’s not do follow now here’s a really brutal thing about guest blogging and that’s a not only you suggested topics for the guest blog post you write in the content yourself. you’re spending hours managing the whole process and then you’re also kind of sucking up to the webmaster to make sure they’re the link but also the fact that quite often they’re gonna ask you to pay for a guest blog okay.

So if this is an authoritative website with a high domain rating chances aren’t they’re gonna ask for money to get a  guest blog from you and that is really taking the piss because you know you’re spending all your time and you’re doing all the hard work itself but they’re gonna reap the benefits of that content and also they’re gonna make some money from it too so it’s a really smart business idea from them but for you it kind of sucks and as we’ll come onto later. you’re gonna discover there are much better ways to build links to your site they don’t require all this hard work and all this time and all this worrying that comes with guest blogging but what’s the alternative right because if guest blogging really sucks you know you want to focus on solutions, not problems.

So are there more scalable ways to build links I would say there definitely are okay so for example with the skyscraper technique if you’ve never heard of this is basically where you look at your competitors you see how they’re getting the links you create a better piece of content than them that’s getting a lot of links and then you contact?

Everyone who links to your competitor and says hey do you want to link to this piece of content too this is a much smarter way to get links to your site because it’s far more scalable okay instead of writing a hundred guest blogs which would take literally hundreds of hours and a lot of organizing plus you’d be waiting around for pretty much forever before most of the success rugs get posted with the skyscrapers any you just create one piece of content and then you can build hundreds of links to that piece of content.

So it’s far less complicated it  takes less time it’s far more scalable  and it’s a much smarter way to build  links to your site now don’t get me  wrong the skyscraper technique is far from perfect and if you see my article there are plenty of other disadvantages to the skyscraper technique the most people don’t talk about but at the same  time if you want a scalable number of links to your website they don’t require much time then this is a way to do it the other alternative that you can use is Harrow and this is an awesome way to get high quality or fire assistive links to your site with very little time involved

So these are two link-building alternatives to guest blogging that I would definitely recommend and if you are going to use guest blogging only is it as a backup offer to the webmasters who won’t link to your sky screen content in the first place okay.

So if you send an outreach email and it’s promoting a piece of skyscraper content maybe the webmaster comes back and they say actually I don’t want to link to that but you can write guest blogging said that’s the moment to do guest blogging don’t do it it’s the first offer because you’re only going to waste your time and it’s not very efficient in the long term so thanks for reading and now you know the guest blog in ninety percent of the time just isn’t worth it okay. 

So you might have to pay for the guest blog it takes a lot of time to write there’s a lot of effort involved there are no guarantees that your contents can be posted and it’s just all these other things that you’re gonna have to worry about when it comes to guest blogging and that’s why it’s just not worth it especially when there’s so many good alternatives out there for link building and getting coverage to your site. 

So if this is an authoritative website with a high domain rating chances aren’t they’re gonna ask for money to get a guest blog from you and that is really taking the piss because you know you’re spending all your time and you’re doing all the hard work itself but they’re gonna reap the benefits of that content and also they’re gonna make some money from it too so it’s a really smart business idea from them but for you it kind of sucks and as we’ll come onto later.

you’re gonna discover there are much better ways to build links to your site they don’t require all this hard work and all this time and all this worrying that comes with guest blogging but what’s the alternative right because if guest blogging really sucks you know you want to focus on solutions, not problems.

So are there more scalable ways to build links I would say there definitely are okay so for example with the skyscraper technique if you’ve never heard of this is basically where you look at your competitors you see how they’re getting the links you create a better piece of content than them that’s getting a lot of links and then you contact?

Everyone who links to your competitor and says hey do you want to link to this piece of content too this is a much smarter way to get links to your site because it’s far more scalable okay instead of writing a hundred guest blogs which would take literally hundreds of hours and a lot of organizing plus you’d be waiting around for pretty much forever before most of the success rugs get posted with the skyscrapers any you just create one piece of content and then you can build hundreds of links to that piece of content.

So it’s far less complicated it  takes less time it’s far more scalable  and it’s a much smarter way to build  links to your site now don’t get me  wrong the skyscraper technique is far from perfect and if you see my video  there are plenty of other disadvantages to the skyscraper technique the most people don’t talk about but at the same  time if you want a scalable number of links to your website they don’t require much time then this is a way to do it the other alternative that you can use is Harrow and this is an awesome way to get high quality or fire assistive links  to your site with very little time involved

So these are two link-building alternatives to guest blogging that I would definitely recommend and if you are going to use guest blogging only is it as a backup offer to the webmasters who won’t link to your sky screen content in the first place okay.

So if you send an outreach email and it’s promoting a piece of skyscraper content maybe the webmaster comes back and they say actually I don’t want to link to that but you can write guest blogging said that’s the moment to do guest blogging don’t do it it’s the first offer because you’re only going to waste your time and it’s not very efficient in the long term so thanks for watching and now you know the guest blog in ninety percent of the time just isn’t worth it okay. 

So you might have to pay for the guest blog it takes a lot of time to write there’s a lot of effort involved there are no guarantees that your contents can be posted and it’s just all these other things that you’re gonna have to worry about when it comes to guest blogging and that’s why it’s just not worth it especially when there’s so many good alternatives out there for link building and getting coverage to your site. Write for US