After reading this article, do not throw away the expired Eno, but you will definitely want to use it for cleaning the bathroom.
Threw what? Hey, before throwing it, ask whether it can be used or not. Yes, you and I often throw the expired Eno as useless. However, it is not that the expired Eno cannot be used for any other purpose. The Expire Eno can also be easily used to make many household chores easier.
Whenever there is a pain in the stomach or if there is a problem of acidity, the first name is taken of Eno. But, many people buy a few extra Enos at once and take them at home, but they also expire if not used. In such a situation, with the help of that expired Eno, you can easily clean the bathroom from some household items. In this article, we are going to tell you some tips and hacks, by following which you can easily clean many things in the bathroom with the help of expired Eno, so let’s know.
Clean the bathroom floor
Many times the things used in cleaning the bathroom suddenly end, in such a situation, if there are no cleaning items, they do not even clean the bathroom. But, if you have Eno in your house and even if it does not expire, then you can use it to clean the bathroom floor very well. Its use will surely make the floor shine. For this follow these steps-
- First of all, spray the expired eno on the floor and leave it for some time.
- Here, add one teaspoon of baking soda to two mugs of water and mix.
- Now pour this solution on the places where you have sprayed Eno.
- After some time clean it with the help of cleaning brush and clean the floor with water.
- You will see that the floor is very clean.
Remove the problem of the drain fly
Be it the bathroom drain or the sink, there is always a problem of drain fly in both these places. Sometimes the drain fly present in the bathroom also reaches other parts of the house. In such a situation, if you are also troubled by the problem of drain fly for many days, then you can easily use the expired Eno to get rid of them. For this, you follow these steps-
- First spray expired eno on the bathroom drain and sink.
- Put one to two spoons of vinegar on this place and leave it for about 5 minutes.
- After 5 minutes, clean it with a cleaning brush.
- Now put mint or neem oil on these places and leave it.
- This will prevent drain flies from ever appearing around the drain or sink.
Remove rust from bathroom faucet
If the bathroom faucet is rusted, Eno may be the best option for removing that rust. With the help of Expire Eno, you can easily remove rust from the faucet and showerhead in no time. If the tap is appearing from white to yellow color, then Eno can also be used to shine it. You may also need ingredients like lime and salt to remove rust from the faucet.
- First of all pour the Eno over the tap and leave it.
- Here prepare a coating of line and salt.
- Now apply this paste on the rusty area and leave it for about 10 minutes.
- Let us tell you that lime activates the salt crystals, due to which the rust becomes soft and comes off easily.
- After leaving about 10 minutes, wash with water after cleaning with a cleaning brush.
Clean the toilet seat
With the help of Expire Eno, you can also clean the toilet seat properly. By using this, the insects on the seat can also run away. For this, prepare a mixture of expired Eno and baking soda and spray it well on the toilet seat and leave it for some time. After some time, clean the toilet seat with the help of a cleaning brush and wash it with water.
Clean these things too
It is not that with the help of Expire Eno, you can clean only bathroom or bathroom items, but you can also clean many other things in the house using it. With the help of Expire Eno, you can use it for cleaning jewellery, cleaning utensils, cleaning the comb, cleaning bathroom and kitchen sink, etc.