There is good news for the people of Delhi. Police has formed its own Social Media Cell (SMC) to protect all of you from Fake News. Due to which those spreading false rumors on social platforms will be taught a lesson. On the other hand, Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana also inaugurated it on Monday at Jai Singh Marg Headquarters.
On this occasion, Rakesh Asthana said that communication network is very important in the society. At the same time, it is also a big responsibility not to allow fake news to reach among the people.
According to the information, SMC will also bring out fake news along with podcasts, Twitter live sessions, panel discussions, press briefings. On the occasion of the innovation, Rakesh Asthana said that social media is an important medium to spread awareness.
Delhi Police
In such a situation, through SMC, the awareness campaigns of Delhi Police related to women, children and other issues will be easily accessible to the people. According to Deputy Commissioner Suman Nalwa, SMC has been set up at the headquarters so that in case of any major incident, it can be immediately updated from here.
False rumors are often spread on social platforms in Delhi during violence, arson, building collapse, terrorist incident or other major incident. This is the reason why SMC has been set up so that the correct information related to any incident can be updated in Delhi. With this, anti-social elements will not be able to try to disturb the peace.
By: Indiatoday