If you’re considering a fat transfer but have questions about the recovery process, you aren’t alone. From worries about the aesthetics and long-term effects to questions about how long it will take to recover, it can be hard to know what’s true and what’s false.

Fear not! In this article, I’ll explain everything you need to know before undergoing a fat transfer and tell you exactly what to expect during your recovery.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a full understanding of which steps must be followed for a successful recovery – with no hidden surprises!

What is Fat Transfer?

Fat Transfer (also known as analogous fat transplantation, fat graft, lipomodelling, or fat injections) is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that can help improve the look of your body. During Fat Transfer, fat is taken from one area of the body, such as the abdomen or thighs, and strategically injected into other areas to create natural-looking contours and fullness. Common areas for fat transfer include the buttocks, face, chin, breasts, hands, and more.

The goal of Fat Transfer is not to make you thin but rather to sculpt your body by filling in any hollows or depressions where you may have lost volume due to aging or weight loss. It can also restore youthful contours that have been lost with time. For instance, a person’s cheeks might start to look hollow as they age; with Fat Transfer these hollows can be filled in using their own fat from another part of the body (usually the abdomen), creating a more youthful appearance.

Fat transfer also has potential medical benefits such as reducing pain from joint injuries, scarring due to burns, chronic soft tissue defects, and aesthetic “dimpling”.

Which body parts can I have fat transferred to?

One of the great things about the fat transfer is that you can have it transferred virtually anywhere. It all depends on your particular body shape and goals. Some people opt to transfer fat from their stomachs, love handles, or thighs to their buttocks for a fuller look. Others prefer transferring fat from their buttocks area to other parts of the body for a more contoured shape.

Popular places where you can have fat transferred includes the face, arms, chin, and cheeks – areas that generally lack volume with age or tend to have sunken skin due to hormones or weight loss. You can also transfer fat into your hands, breasts, calves, and hips! One great thing about these types of procedures is that there isn’t much downtime associated with them – you should expect minimal swelling and bruise after the procedure which should heal within a few weeks!

What can fat transfer help with?

Fat transfer is becoming increasingly popular as an effective way to repair and restore volume in areas of the body that have lost their plumpness. The procedure is perfect for treating several areas of the body, including the face and body.

Fat transfer is a safe procedure that can help address hollow eyes, sunken cheeks, deep facial creases, thinning lips, thinning hands, thin calves, and other age-related changes. It can also be used to create a more shapely figure by contouring problem areas such as the stomach, buttocks, hips, and thighs.

Fat transfer is also a great alternative for people who are considering more invasive plastic surgery procedures like liposuction. The procedure uses natural fat cells so there is no need to worry about introducing foreign substances into your body. It’s an overall safe and natural way to enhance your look without any downtime or risks associated with surgeries that involve general anaesthesia.

What happens before fat transfer surgery?

Before fat transfer surgery, your board-certified plastic surgeon will need to evaluate your overall health and pinpoint the exact area that needs to be treated. This is done using a variety of tests including x-rays, ultrasounds, or CT scans. Your plastic surgeon may also conduct liposuction on the areas from which you will donate fat in order to collect enough healthy fat cells for the transfer.

Your surgeon will discuss all aspects of the procedure with you and answer any questions you have about the process. You must disclose any health conditions or medications you are taking as these can affect recovery time. Lastly, it’s important that abstain from drinking alcohol prior to your scheduled surgery date and follow pre-op instructions provided by your doctor’s office such as fasting before surgery.

What happens during fat transfer surgery?

During the procedure, the surgeon first injects a solution containing anesthetic, epinephrine, and saline into the donor area to limit bleeding and discomfort.

Next, they use specialized instruments to extract fat cells from the donor site. These cells are then purified through a process called centrifugation, which separates out undesired materials. Finally, these now “clean” fat cells are injected into the recipient area.

The amount of tissue transferred depends on several factors including the size of each treatment area and whether or not you need additional fullness in your face or another area. The procedure generally takes 1-2 hours to complete. Most people go home shortly after surgery with instructions for rest and recovery.

What happens after fat transfer surgery?

After cosmetic surgery, the area where the fat was harvested needs about five days to recover. During this time, your doctor may advise you to take it easy and avoid strenuous activity or contact sports. You’ll also be instructed to wear a compression garment for a few weeks afterwards to ensure proper healing.

Fat transfer recovery also includes watching for signs of infection and swelling around the treated area. These are essential steps in order to achieve optimal results from your procedure. Pay close attention to your doctor’s post-procedure instructions, keep up with follow-up visits, and avoid getting into situations that may cause abrasions or injuries until you reach full recovery.

In addition, after the fat transfer surgical procedure, you will begin to notice changes in shape and texture as excess fluid is expelled from your body due to the new fat cells being inserted into areas of desired contour. This process continues for a couple of months following your procedure as the body adjusts to the new cells before settling into its final form at about three months post-surgery.


Recovery from fat transfer can be different for everyone. Generally, the recovery period lasts a few weeks, with the final results visible a few months later. During your recovery time, it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully to ensure that you get the best possible outcome.

The first few days immediately following the fat transfer procedure can leave you feeling a bit sore and tender around the transferred areas. You may experience some minor swelling, and discomfort which will gradually subside over the next couple of weeks. Your doctor should provide you with specific post-operative care instructions, including how to manage the swelling.

Your plastic surgeon may suggest wearing an elastic bandage for a few days to help reduce swelling and bruising if necessary. You will also likely need to limit activity during this time in order to promote healing and allow your body time to adjust properly. Taking time off work if needed and asking someone else to help with activities like grocery shopping or housework if needed as well as spending quality time eating nutritious meals and getting enough sleep each night are good ways of promoting overall health during your recovery period.