While working with compressed air, air treatment is essential to get the desired result. But you have first to understand what the Compressed Air Filter is.

A Compressed Air Filter is mainly for filtering all of the impurities from the atmospheric air, including dust, and moisture, oil to make compressed air viable for use.

Just like your air dryers, these are important for the air treatment process to ensure the compressed air is clean and safe to use and to increase the lifespan of your equipment.

Different Types Of Air Filter Types?

The experts-suggest you understand the types of compressed filters present and what working principles they have to ensure that you pick the correct type of compressed filter. Under this guide, you will find out what you need to know about choosing the best-compressed filters for your use.

Particulate Air Filters

The particulate airline filters remove all the dust and other harmful elements from the compressed air.  Particulate air filters are generally used after the absorption dryer, and they help filter the internal particulate matter, including corrosion, to help the air compressor live long. This filter will help you filter particulate impurities, including dust, and prevent airline clogging. The activated carbon filter is your best bet if you want a fine filter that removes the films and vapours.

Activated Carbon Air Filter

The activated carbon air filter is often called the vapor removal filter. It is perfect for describing how much carbon is used to attract the gaseous elements and immobilize them. The carbon has a vast surface area making it a durable filter. As the filter becomes pretty saturated, the pressure will need to drop to reach the same quality of filtration. The carbon filter must often be replaced to maintain a reasonable amount of stress.

Compressed Air filter suppliers in India suggest that you get the vapor remover filter as it has gaseous elements in the odours, chemical fumes, and vapours, besides common filter types. A specific filter generally follows vapor filters to catch possible carbon elements which break off in the air.

Coalescing Air Filters

These filters help remove liquids like water lubricants and other oil elements from the air. They coalesce aerosols in droplets through pressure drops and the torturous path working principle. Because of the versatile way of working, these air filters also catch all other particulates.

They are seen, and other elements are drained and run through the oil water separator to avoid pollution. These filters are great because they are versatile and can filter water and oil elements. They can also filter particulate contaminants to a great degree.

Why Do You Need To Use A Compressed Air Filter?

The high-precision industrial process should be free from all contaminants. When you put a paper filter in any percolator to obtain a clean filtered coffee, your pneumatic equipment needs the compressed filter to work with the air heat, free of all the filter element and lubricants. The compressed air will increase the concentration per m3 of elements in the atmosphere.

To maintain the purest air quality, possible filters should be connected to the airflow to capture different impurities before contaminating the system. Installing the correct compressed filter will prevent damage in all the expensive equipment clogging valves and pipes besides contaminating products, especially the pharmaceutical and medical industries.

How can you choose the compressed air filter?

Here are some of the factors to keep in mind when choosing the right compressed filters:

The size of the particles which need to be fitted

There are standard universal filters that will remove the particles from around 5 to 40 microns filters that remove particles less than one Micron also exist, especially for pharmaceutical equipment.

The flow rate or the heat loss

Filters vary depending on the floors that need to be managed. To select the right side, you must determine the maximum head loss you will experience for your filter. You have to refer to the pressure drop curbs as per the flow rate provided by different manufacturers.


You have to determine at what temperature you will operate the compressed filter and high-performance filters are also available for high temperatures of more than 450 degrees Celsius.

  • Air filters have a common purpose. While air carries different particulates and dirt that pass through them, they trap and tab the particles to purify the Air stream.
  • The air compressor filter keeps the water, oil, and dirt from reaching the different tools, making them essential to the system’s overall health.
  • These breasts can damage or destroy the equipment if you do not provide good filtration. If they pass through some tools, they can also affect the project to a great extent negatively.
  • One of the significant benefits of air filters is that they are relatively cost-effective investments.
  • We do not have to keep up with the wear and replace them with time; purchasing new filters costs far less than paying for preparation expenses for damaged equipment and compressors.
  • You would also have a better overall result in work as keeping the air that passes through the compressor clean is essential to the tool and equipment health besides the work quality.


If you are wondering if you need to invest in a filter for your air compressor, then you must know choose GTS Filters And Systems (India) Pvt Ltd as they well know and one of the leading Compressed Air filter manufacturers in India in The air filter plays a crucial role, and air purification is essential for any compressor.

When your pneumatic tools are offered, clean air will improve the lifespan to a great extent, as compared to a situation when you do not consider using an air filter.

When you use the compressor, all the air that passes through contains millions of elements, all of which will collect, damage, or inhibit the tools. The particles will include droplets, dirt oils, bacteria, and other pieces of heavy metals like mercury and lead.