The answers to these questions will help you understand how the child interacts, what his social and behavioural skills are and in what areas he may need support.
Parent-Teacher Meeting at School (PTM) is a meeting between parents and teachers to discuss the child’s education and progress. The purpose of this meeting is to work together between parents and teachers to help the child’s academic and co-academic development. In this meeting, teachers and parents can discuss these things with each other.
Positive comments on the child’s achievements
Discussion on academic performance and behaviour
Resolving any concerns
Creating strategies for improvement
Sharing your insights and suggestions with parents
Preparation for the child’s exams
The child’s overall behaviour
Trying to overcome the child’s weaknesses
Taking the teacher’s help for the child’s development
According to career counsellor Sweta, parents and teachers should keep these things in mind: Whether the child participates well in class activities or not. Whether he takes care of the children in his class or not. Whether he talks openly to his teacher or is nervous. Whether he shares his things with his friends, like food items or study material or hides it for fear of giving it to other children. Does the child fight or retaliate in class when there is a disagreement or complains to the teacher. How much participation does he have in group activities? Does he play, lead or depend on others?
Some questions you should get answers to
Does your child participate in class and ask questions?
Does he cooperate with other children?
Does he follow the teacher’s instructions?
Can he express himself clearly?
Is he eager to learn new things?
Does he learn from his mistakes?
Parents can also share their questions
During PTM, teachers give important information to parents about the child’s performance in class and suggest strategies to strengthen their learning ability. Also, parents can share their concerns or questions. This way, communication from both sides ensures that both are on the same page and can work together on the child’s studies. In most schools, PTM is conducted before the final examinations. However, in some schools, PTM is also conducted every month from the new academic session.
These questions can be asked to the teacher in the Parents-Teacher Meeting (PTM)
How does the child feel at school?
How does the child behave with the teacher and classmates?
How does the child behave with his friends?
Does the child pay attention in class or not?
Does the child take initiative in class or not?
Is the child good at any subject?
How much time does the child spend doing homework?
Does the child have trouble concentrating on any subject at home?
Does the child have any concerns about school teacher or classmates?
How can the teacher help the child in his development?
If the child likes any activity, then information about it can be taken from the teacher.
If the child’s behavior is not good in school, then it is possible that he has some problem. For example, if the child is happy at home, but remains calm and quiet in school. Similarly, if the child is weak in any subject, then he can be helped in time, so that his interest in studies can increase.