Welcome to AllIndiaevent Today’s topic is how to reduce lower belly fat You must have seen people doing several exercises or they run-walking too, some weight-reducing exercise they do Upper belly fat decreases easily if you walk a bit or do exercise enough to reduce Because our belly has two part one is upper other is lower When increases, increases both but lower belly comes out a bit more When we start to exercise, affect creates on the upper belly.
This one is the upper part of belly starts to be reduced whatever exercise you do But lower belly fat doesn’t get reduced such easily must have seen, even if you sweat much-doing exercise, still don’t get reduced For that I will tell you some Asanas First tell you why this is not reducing this is because when it increases, lower part it’s leather drops down It goes down to the ground and Gravity attracts it.
We need to do such exercise opposite to the gravity attraction Exercises that you do putting your legs down on the ground, by this your belly don’t reduce When you do exercise keeping legs up decreases your lower belly fat One more thing I want to tell you When we do fast exercise, or do pranayam quickly has less effect because our country weather is hot Because of this, whatever we do quickly affects less as do when we do exercise slowly and stopping that needs to be stopped Whatever exercise you do if stay that helps you lot So let’s know about which Asana should be practiced in which way By which our lower belly fat reduces faster lift your leg at 30-degree angle and take breath Look, how I do Leg is to be kept twisted other side and keep out having Who has not to habit can do it with normal breath Be accustomed to this. At first 3 times to do, lift your leg then put down on the ground slowly not like this Don’t do quickly otherwise your naval can also be displaced. Not quickly but slowly If you are new, not being able to do you can do for one time But if you have even little experience then do 3 times, lift at 30 degrees your leg then 3 times at 60 and 3 times at 90 degrees. watch me. First, you will lift at 30 degrees next at 60 degrees If you can not do keeping hand here You can keep it as support like this Third lift it at 90 degrees Don’t worry about little vibration in the body.
If you do these 3 exercises and take a break of 30 seconds between each you have to do 3 times each one If you can not, no problem, you can start for one time and do being relaxed as you feel comfortable At first attempt you can not say you can not do, impossible for you If you try slowly you can Within 15 20 days this will start to be done by you When you will start, you will get to see after 15 days, your lower belly fat has started to be less, you will see the difference But who is forbidden to do this problem with high BP or heart Or any has undergone any surgery like delivery or any surgery, kidney or anywhere They are forbidden or anyone with chronicle diseases They won’t do till they get well.