If you have a passion for writing, then you can earn money by starting a personal blog sitting at home. Learn how to start a personal blog.
There are many women who like to write as well as read, but many times the hobby of writing remains confined to home. If you also have a passion for writing and want to bring it to the world, then there is no better place than a personal blog. Through the personal blog, you can not only spread your article far and wide, but you can also earn money from it, but for this, it is important that you have the knowledge to start a personal blog. Today in this article we will tell you how you can start a personal blog and earn money and earn money sitting at home. So let’s know-
Open blog account
There are many sites on the internet where you can open a blog account. If you want to start your blog for free, then you can start the internet on blogger.com. Here you can easily write your idea and share it on any online platform. By the way, for your information, let us tell you that a paid blog account is considered better.
To promote
After opening a blog account and writing on it, it is time to promote the blog. You can also promote it yourself, for this, you create a profile on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. After creating a social media profile, keep sharing the AllIndiaevent article written in the blog. As your users increase, it will be better for your blog.
Must Read: How to Write a Blog Post for Beginners-10 Simple Tips
Google AdSense
Users and Adsense help in increasing the traffic of your blog through which you can earn money. The more you read your blog and the more traffic you can earn, the more money you can earn. You can also earn money by allowing Google Adsense in the blog.
Keep these things in mind-
If you are going to blog for the first time, then definitely know about its advantages and disadvantages.
Before starting a blog, definitely think about which topic I want to write.
Also decide which blogging platform is right, because WordPress, Blogger, Blogspot.com, etc. are available in the market.
While opening a blog account, also keep in mind the password and username of the blog.
Read More: How To Make Money From Blogs In 2021 [9 Ways]