Compressed air is essential in a wide range of manufacturing and industrial applications, including pneumatic equipment, petrochemicals, and food processing. Most compressor systems include a filtering system to enhance air circulation and reduce the danger of contamination. To maintain the system running properly, it is vital to perform regular maintenance and replace worn-out components. Parts of the compressor’s air filtering system have a limited shelf life and must be examined and updated to function properly. Let’s look at five advantages of changing the Compressed Air Filter elements:

Check out the Benefits of Changing the Compressed Air Filter Element

Maintain the Quality of Compressed Air

Changing the air filters regularly creates a safer, cleaner work environment free of impurities that might harm your employees and equipment. To keep the air filtration system unclogged and operating at optimal performance, replace the air filters as needed. Generally, one of the top compressed air filter exporters in India always mentions the recommended frequency of filters in the product manual.

Keep Adsorption Dryer Beds Safe

In some systems, adding new filters allows the adsorption dryer beds to work at peak efficiency. With less particulate matter in the airflow across them, they will be able to stay healthy and deliver optimum benefits.

Reduced Operational Cost

Changing the air filter elements reduces the possibility of having problems with the entire system, which can result in downtime, costly repairs, and overall inefficiency. The compressor has to work harder to produce the needed airflow if the air filtering system is not properly maintained. This puts a strain on the compressor, causing it to use more energy, be more prone to damage, and have a shorter lifespan.

Increased Productivity

Consistent maintenance and changing the air filters will result in an increase in efficiency, which will result in higher production and profitability for your organization.

Quality Assurance 

Changing the air filtering components of your compressor system maintains everything running much more smoothly than it would if you did not. It is a habit that provides you with peace of mind and assurance that your system is performing to the best of its capacity in the safest manner possible. It alleviates the stress and discomfort associated with unplanned downtime. This is crucial in the day-to-day operations of your business or manufacturing.

These advantages significantly exceed the risks of failing to replace air filter elements. So remember these when maintaining your air compressor system!

The Most Common Compressed Air Filter Types

A variety of compressed air filters are available in the market and some of them are mentioned below;

A dry particulate filter

It is a type of filter used to remove the drying water content or moisture produced by the oil within the filter. To facilitate cleaning, every particle captured inside the chamber will be trapped by the filter and removed by the machine. The filter type must be changed every two months and requires extensive care to keep it in good working order. By replacing the old filter with a new one, you will be able to use it for a limited period.

Coalescing filter

This filter removes any water, aerosols, or other impurities found inside the filter. When the procedure is completed, they readily remove water droplets, ensuring that the air delivered is constantly fresh for industrial usage. The intriguing thing about these filters is that the water or oil drops in the filter may combine to produce large droplets. To obtain the best performance out of the filter, it, too, must be changed on a regular basis, much like the particulate filter.

Vapor Removal Filter

These filters, as the name implies, will be useful in eliminating the gas present inside the filter that produces the vapors in it. It is important to remember not to remove the filter’s aerosols when using it. If you throw away the aerosols, the filter may not work properly.

One of the most trusted compressed air filter manufacturers in India recommends that you should always refer to the original documentation that came with your air compressor to ensure that you’re using the correct filter media.

Important Things to Consider While Choosing an Air Filter

The most crucial step in choosing how to buy an air filter for your shop compressor was learning about the many types of filters available, but there are additional factors to consider:

Compressor Type

The sort of compressor you run will have its own set of needs and fittings. To discover which filter will work best for your compressor, always read the instructions or manual.

Filter Quality and Ratings

Using a filter that isn’t compatible with your compressor or using a low-quality filter is just as terrible as not replacing your filter. To guarantee adequate filtration, always purchase high-quality filters.

Filter Pressure Drop

Depending on how porous an air filter is, it causes variable degrees of pressure to decrease. The more air restriction there is, the harder your compressor has to work. Look for a filter that balances airflow and filtration.

Filter Temperature

Air compressors generally raise the temperature of the intake air by fifteen degrees. This implies that the working temperature should be kept between 50 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit in order to avoid freezing or overheating and shutting down.

Brand of Filter

Not all filters are made equal. Choose an air filter brand with a good reputation.

Filter Check Specifications

Your air compressor handbook should provide instructions on the type of filter to use, as well as how frequently it should be replaced and signs that it should be changed.

Want a high-quality compressed air filter? GTS Filters & Systems Pvt Ltd. designs and manufactures exceptional air filters that can help you get clean and safer air. For additional information, please visit our website or request a quote, and we would be happy to assist you!