Your teeth and gums are a big part of your overall health. When you have a tooth infection, you might want a quick fix like a course of antibiotics won’t get rid of the infection in your tooth. 

What is oral abscess defined as?

Abscess is generally a tiny pocket of dead tissue and pus in the mouth. They are commonly caused by bacterial infections in the mouth. Most of the time, they look like swollen bumps or pimples. 

Usually, this happens where the roots of the tooth are located. Bacteria can get into your mouth if you don’t take care of it well or if you have tooth decay, failed dental procedures, an injury, or a cracked tooth. When bacteria gets into your roots, they feed on your nerves and blood vessels. They start to grow and spread, which leads to a tooth infection.

The major stages that tooth decay can undergo:

Enamel decay:

Plaque is the sticky film that builds up on your teeth when you don’t brush. Over time these bacteria make acid, which can hurt the tooth’s enamel, which is the hard outer layer.

Dentin decay:

Bacteria get past the tooth’s outer layer and infect the layer beneath. This is the dentin which is a softer part of the enamel.

Pulp decay:

The bacteria gets to the weakest part of the tooth, which is called the pulp, and attacks the vital nerve. 

Antibiotics and Tooth infection:

At this point, the majority of people assume antibiotics for tooth infection are required, but your endodontist knows the best. Due to the tooth’s structure, bacteria gets entrapped in the roots. Without adequate cleaning, such as root canal treatment, the infection will persist and may spread to the brain or jaw. To completely eliminate an infection, draining, cleaning, even tooth extraction may be required.

Why are antibiotics not a great choice?

There are a few reasons why antibiotics won’t be enough to cure the infection on their own. The blood vessels that once brought your body’s antibacterial defenses to the inside of the tooth have been destroyed. So, the antibiotics can’t get to the infected part of the tooth to heal it.

Also, there are many different kinds of antibiotics and each one kills a different kind of bacteria. Visit the best dentist in Coimbatore, to undergo Tooth Infection Treatment.

If the antibiotic you are given doesn’t cover the bacteria that are causing your tooth infection, the infection will still persist. Last. antibiotics don’t help with infections caused by fungi or viruses. 

In addition, the ongoing use of antibiotics across all medical professionals has contributed to the emergence of numerous antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains. This infection can only be treated with root canal therapy or another technique.

Antibiotics are rarely prescribed for tooth infections or abscesses due to their inherent dangers and minimal efficacy against infection. When they are, it is essential to take them exactly as prescribed, along with ensuring the complete course is completed. 

They serve an essential function in preventing an infection from worsening. Hence, a dentist may recommend an antibiotic in case the severity of the infection is high and has spread to the jaw, also in the cases when the patient’s immune system is not healthy.

Different types of tooth infection treatments:

There are various ways to treat tooth infection or abscess, although the tooth infection treatment options are recommended after analyzing the severity of the infection,

Drainage and Incision:

Your dentist will make a small cut in the abscess so that the pus can drain out. Sometimes, a rubber drain is put in the area to keep it open so that the infection can drain.

Tooth Extraction:

Sometimes, the tooth can’t be saved, and the dentist may have to pull it out so pus can drain from the socket.

Filling cavity:

When decay makes a hole in the enamel of a tooth, the hole can be fixed by filling it. The broken part is drilled out and then filled with new filling.

Root canal treatment:

This common surgery removes the affected inner pulp and fills the emptied space to prevent future infection. The inner pulp is essential during tooth development, but once the tooth has reached maturity, it can survive without it. The tooth should be back to normal after the surgery, however you may require a crown to safeguard the root canal. If you expert care for the treated tooth, it can last for a lifetime.

The signs and symptoms that can indicate tooth infection:
  • Tooth may be sensitive to touch
  • Sharp pain in the damaged tooth
  • Pain while chewing
  • Redness in the gums
  • A weird taste in the mouth
  • Foul-smelling breath
  • Visible swelling in the jaw
  • Fever associated with teeth pain
Important Takeaway:

Infections in the tooth can be really hurtful, but some dental procedures can help get rid of them. Tooth infections should be treated as soon as possible so they don’t get worse and cause an abscess or spread to other parts of the body. 

Plaque can’t build up if you take good care of your teeth by brushing and flossing regularly. Too much plaque can lead to tooth decay and gum disease, which are the two most common reasons for tooth infections. But remember to get treated for tooth infections as antibiotics can only manage the symptoms but the infection can get worse if the bacteria is not drained properly. Reach out to the Best Dental Hospital in Coimbatore in case you are looking for teeth infection treatment.