In this competitive world, you must have a strong marketing strategy for your business. There are plenty of the same businesses in the market with whom you have to compete and get noticed. For that, your marketing strategy will help you a lot.

This online world has brought a lot of opportunities for startups to make effective branding. One of them is social media marketing. It’s considered to be one of the most effective ways. Today, almost everyone is active on any of the social media platforms. No matter what age a person is, they will surely be part of it.

More than 2 billion users are active on Facebook, 1 billion on Instagram, Twitter has 330 million followers while LinkedIn crosses over 500 million marks. These statistics encourage startups to choose social media as their primary marketing platform.

However, it’s not easy to make your marketing successful until and unless you have a proper strategy. As discussed there are many platforms available and then choosing the one as the primary one is challenging targeting the right audience. Therefore let’s discuss what strategies you can follow for your social media marketing.

#1. Choose the right social media channel

One of the most important parts of this marketing strategy. There are a plethora of social media channels available for which you can opt for your startups.

You must know which one would give you a more positive impact and help to grow your business. It can be Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, anything. You must use the same custom logo design on all these platforms to make it identifiable. It completely depends on what audience you want for your business. Each platform has its own set of audiences that are using it.

You need to know your product is targeting which kind of primary users, based on that only finalize it. For instance, if your brand is related to the latest gadgets, modern apparel, then try to focus on Instagram as it’s highly used by the younger generation. So, this way you can make a selection of the social media channel for your startup.

#2. Do live streaming

As we know that the rate of users in various social media is increasing. But to keep them engaged with your brand, it becomes really important to come live on those platforms.

As per the reports, live streaming is much more engaging than non-live videos. It lets you capture the attention of more percentage of people than that. Additionally, it lets you directly interact with your audience and answer their questions. This will let you build strong relationship bonds between you and users. Even live comments help you to improve your products and service.

Those positive reviews encourage you to keep providing valuable services to the customers. All these positive things will surely enhance the service and expand the business significantly. Thus, try to keep active on social media with live streams.

#3. Post more video content

Another very effective strategy startups can follow is to make their marketing campaign successful. Video content is always more engaging and informative. You can easily convey the message to your audience using videos.

The human mind is much more familiar with remembering the video content. While launching any new product you can first post a video of the complete description and benefits it brings. It must be visually appealing and use the best graphics which are catchy. This way users can remember it for the long term and make a positive impact.

Just keep in mind that the video you create must hold the personality of the brand. So, keep posting some video content in your social media profile to introduce your products.

#4. Be consistent in posting

Your social media presence is not enough, you need to be active on the regular basis. After creating a profile in it, you need your user to engage with a fresh post every day.

After you select the right platform, have a strong marketing plan, then come to be active on it. Make sure you are consistent in posting. If you are posting every day then it must be at the same time. If it’s weekly then on the same day.

You can use automation tools that help you in scheduling your post. Such as Hootsuite, Buffer, Social flow, and much more. You just need to date and time you want to post, it will be handled by everything.

Your consistent activity in social media holds customers with your brand. On the contrary, if you are not doing it then slowly people will forget about your products and services. Your consistency in social media makes a positive impression among the people and shows this is a trustworthy and honest brand to choose from.

#5. Set up your goal

One of the most important points that every startup should keep in mind. Before starting to implement your strategy, make sure you have identified your goal first.

Every startup may have a different goal that they are trying to achieve. It can be for brand awareness, this will specifically be helpful when you have started your new company and want to promote in the market. As you use email marketing for brand awareness, similarly it will work. Even it’s a better choice than that.

Furthermore, if you want to drive more user traffic towards your website then you can link it to social media and grow your business. Even it will let you grow your business rapidly. Therefore, make sure you know your goal very well before the following strategy.

#6. Focus on content

No matter which social media platform you choose, never underestimate the value of the content. It’s really appealing to promote your product on social media.

If you have good and attractive content then it has the power to change the user perspective towards your brand. Even it can improve the buying decision of the customers as well. You can make your content in a very storytelling manner so that it gets attention and is memorable for a longer time. So, try to have quality content for your social media promotion.


The success of any brand is hidden in the marketing strategy, if you have a strong idea to implement it then surely get higher revenue. Understanding what will be suitable for your brand and goal will give you the right solution. The above-mentioned points clarify how you can make your social media marketing successful by following some strategies.