Category: Education

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Top 5 IAS Coaching

In this piece of article, we’ll discuss some of the best IAS coachings. Finding the most promising institutes having high standards and quality has always been a major problem faced by IAS aspirants. As we all know, IAS exams are one of the most prestigious exams in the nation. Hence, more and more…

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10 activities to keep your kid’s brain active in summer

When kids remain at home during summers or even because of social distancing, it negatively affects their learning in various subjects. Over the years, it results in low performance below their grade level. So, it is essential to keep their brain active in summer by engaging them in exciting activities such as brain…

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Why Is The Ielts Examination Important? And How To Prepare For The Ielts Exam?

Many of us have heard or come across various examination terms like DELF, CAT, CMAT, IELTS, or more. These various different exams assist one to get certified in their respective fields. Here within this article, we shall go on referring to the IELTS exams. Let us proceed with no further ado. A Brief…

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All About ILR application?

ILR when first I heard the word, I was confused about the term. There are many people including the UK immigrants who themselves did not understand what did Indefinite Leave to remain meant or how they can make the ILR application. Every year there are thousands of people who move to the UK…

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Why Dalian Medical University Has Its Own Reputation in Terms of MBBS in China?

China MBBS admission for Indian students is no longer dream now. With the available facilities and convenient education of foreign universities, students eager to obtain a degree from foreign universities have a wide range of options in the field of healthcare around the world. This not only enables the students to become experts…

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How to Choose Quality Home Tutoring!

Home Tutoring: These days are gone. Teachers used to devote additional time to clear pupils’ doubts. Now in the majority of households, both husband and wife are functioning, which generates difficulty in regards to taking care of their children’s studies. It tends to make a demand for house tutors; it is possible to…

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A Guide for Students Studying Accounting

Accounting and finance is a course that clears your concepts on the topics related to business, money, and management, and assists you in your careers. Accounting is the analysis of information for different business parts, whereas finance is related to business money matters. Why to study accounting and finance? If you love maths…

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